What is the “Annual Kamayan for a Cause” ?


How do you KAMAYAN?!  "Kamayan For A Cause" is our primary fundraising event held at the end of every summer to share our Filipino culture with our loved ones -- eating with our hands.  Yes, that means no utensils. Just the traditional Filipino food on top of banana leaves and eat with your bare hands ("kamay" = hand in our language Tagalog).  Also known as "Boodle Fight/Feast," this Filipino tradition originated in the battlefields where large amounts of food, enough to feed an army, was served in the middle of a long table.  Hungry Filipino soldiers gathered together and grabbed as much food as they wanted with their hands, to celebrate victory and genuine camaraderie.  If you haven't tried it yet, we welcome everyone to our Annual Kamayan For A Cause and experience our culture.  This includes all authentic and delicious Filipino food and drinks, raffles, games for children and adults, and live music -- all for the lowest admission donation of $35.  Experience the Filipino culture with us!


  1. Every year, we throw the largest Kamayan Charity Event

(Play below)


First Annual


little ferry, nj, usa

Our first Kamayan For a Cause was held in our very own backyard with over 100 guests filling 10 tables.  Kapampangan-style boodle fight + raffles + live music = one amazing summer night! 

second annual



third annual



fourth annual



fifth annual




2. We raffle items from our Sponsors

Win a prize from:



3. Enjoy Filipino Food on a banana leaf!



4. All the kids win a prize at Filipino Pinata!